
Please fill in the form below and click “Submit” to apply the special “Easy-Fun” Installment Program of “Plan for the Future” campaign:

Cardholder's Name

Credit Card Number

- - -

Phone Number

Available Time
時 / H 分 / M -
時 / H 分 / M

Merchant Name

"Easy-Fun" Installment Amount

"Easy-Fun" Installment Tenor
12 個月 Months
"Easy-Fun" Installment Handling Charge
Validation Code

Remarks: Promotion Period is from 7 September to 31 December 2024. Cardholders are required to make registration within the Promotion Period in order to be entitled to the Promotion, no late registration will be accepted.


  1. 特優「輕鬆分簽賬分期計劃」 (“此計劃”) 只適用於澳門商業銀行股份有限公司 (“銀行”) 發出之澳門幣或港幣信用卡及聯營卡 (包括附屬卡) (“合資格信用卡”)。
  2. 此計劃只適用於申請人透過合資格信用卡在推廣期內於「遠瞻未來.籌劃現在」推廣活動特約商戶所作之零售簽賬。
  3. 此計劃最低申請金額為澳門幣/港幣1,000圓(“ 申請金額”)。
  4. 此計劃提供12個月之分期期數 (“分期期數”)。
  5. 此計劃獲批核之分期總金額為申請金額,相關金額將於卡戶之信用卡戶口的可用信用額內扣除。申請一經批核,有關分期期數及申請金額不可更改。
  6. 此計劃必須在最近一期月結單付款限期前最少五個工作天進行申請。本行將於批核後發出通知信函予卡戶。如卡戶未能提供足夠資料而無法確認申請導致銀行未能批核此計劃,銀行恕不負責。
  7. 此計劃每期供款之計算方法為申請金額除以分期付款期數。
  8. 若卡戶未能於每月還款限期前清還該月結欠,該總分期金額之所有餘額將根據信用卡持卡人合約之收費條款收取有關之費用、收費及利息。
  9. 若卡戶提早繳付計劃之餘額或申請取消,則須繳付所有未償還之分期總金額及額外繳付終止分期付款手續費澳門幣/港幣300圓。相關金額及費用將於卡戶之信用卡戶口內自動扣除。
  10. 此計劃並不能獲享「信用卡積分計劃」優惠。
  11. 卡戶如於銀行進行的批核及建立有關此計劃之分期項目期間因任何理由導致超出信用卡限額及銀行未能成功建立所需分期計劃,銀行會終止有關此計劃之申請,並有權要求卡戶即時清繳信用卡賬戶全數或部份之結欠。
  12. 銀行保留批核或拒絕卡戶之申請之權利而無須另行通知。對於因被拒絕申請而對持卡人有可能產生之任何損失或債務,本行恕不負責。所提交之申請表格及相關文件將不予以退回。
  13. 本服務/產品並不是以歐盟的人士為目標。
  14. 銀行有權隨時修改此計劃之條款及細則而無須另行通知。如有任何爭議,銀行保留最終決定權。
  15. 中、英文版本之條款及細則若在文義上有任何分歧,概以中文為準。


Terms and Conditions:

  1. The special “Easy Fun Installment Program” (“the Program”) is applicable to all MOP/HKD Credit Cards and Co-branded Credit Cards (including Supplementary Card) (“Eligible Cards”) issued by Banco Comercial de Macau, S.A. (“the Bank”).
  2. The Program is only applicable to retail transactions made by the Applicant with Eligible Cards at designated merchants of “Plan for the Future” during the Promotion Period.
  3. The minimum application amount (“Application Amount”) of this Program is MOP/HKD1,000.
  4. The Program provides 12-month installment tenor (“Tenor”).
  5. The total amount approved by the Program will be the Application Amount (“Installment Amount”). The Installment Amount will then be deducted from the available Credit Card limit. Once approved, the Cardholder is not allowed to make changes to the Application Amount or the Tenor.
  6. The Program application has to be submitted at least 5 working days before the Payment Due Date of the latest Credit Card Statement and notification letter will be mailed to Cardholder upon approval. The Bank shall not be liable if the Bank cannot approve the application due to Cardholder cannot provide complete information to confirm the application details.
  7. The Program Repayment Amount per installment is calculated by dividing the total Application Amount by the number of months (Tenor).
  8. If the Cardholder fails to settle the statement balance before the Payment Due Date, the outstanding balance of the installment amount will be subject to relevant fees, charges and interests as stipulated under the BCM Credit Card Cardholder Agreement.
  9. For early settlement of the outstanding Easy-Fun Installment Amount or ending the Program, the Cardholder should repay the outstanding balance of approved Installment Amount plus a Cancellation Fee of MOP/HKD300. The outstanding Installment Amount and Cancellation Fee will then be debited from Cardholder’s Credit Card account automatically.
  10. The Program Application Amount will not be eligible to “Credit Card Bonus Point” scheme.
  11. Should the Credit Card limit exceeded for any reason during the application process or before the approval, the Bank has the right to terminate the application and request immediate partial or full repayment to the outstanding balance. .
  12. The Bank reserves the right to approve or reject the Promotion application without prior notice. All presented application form and relevant document for the Program will not be returned.
  13. This servicer/product is not targeted at customers in the EU.
  14. The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the Bank reserves the right to make the final decision.
  15. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.  

Remark: The application cut-off time is 4:00 p.m. on every business day, application submitted after the cut-off time will be processed on the next business day.

By pressing the “Submit” button, Cardholder hereby agrees to the relevant program Terms & Conditions and the above-mentioned Remarks and agrees to provide the above information to Banco Commercial de Macau, S.A. (“BCM”) for applying the special “Easy-Fun” Installment Program. Cardholder should ensure that the submitted information is true and accurate. The bank is not liable to any incorrect or invalid information which will be treated as unsuccessful registration.